Affordable Flotation Deinking Machine
The Flotation Deinking Machine is mainly used for flotation deinking of various waste paper with ink particles. Leizhan’s Flotation Deinking Machine is a new generation of deinking equipment developed by absorbing international advanced technology. It has the advantages of high efficiency, small footprint, simple operation and control, and low energy consumption.
Features of Flotation Deinking Machine
1. The concentration of the ink discharged from the Flotation Deinking Machine can be adjusted, which can greatly reduce the loss of fibers in the scum.
2. The slurry after flotation by the Flotation Deinking Machine has high whiteness and good brightness.
3. The slurry in the Flotation Deinking Machine is internally circulated, and the air utilization rate in the slurry is high. Therefore, the operating performance of a deinking machine with a 5-stage flotation unit can reach the level of full flotation.
Besides Flotation Deinking Machines, Leizhan also manufactures other paper machines and pulping equipment. If you are interested in purchasing paper machines or pulping equipment, please feel free to consult us.