You are here: Home » Delivery » 1200-1400T/D Bale Breaker System Equipment For Saudi Arabia

1200-1400T/D Bale Breaker System Equipment For Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia customer operates a large enterprise, which is for producing packaging paper. For the purpose of increase the production capacity, they wanted to add 1200-1400T/D Bale Breaker System Equipment. Of course, they also purchased Leizhan Chain Conveyor. Hope the 1200-1400T/D Bale Breaker System Equipment can bring higher efficiency to Saudi Arabia customer paper mill.

1200-1400T/D Bale Breaker System Equipment For Saudi Arabia Detail

Delivery site: Saudi Arabia
Delivery date: Nov 2th, 2020
Ordered equipment: Bale Breaker, Chain Conveyor
Delivered equipment: Bale Breaker, Chain Conveyor and a batch of supporting accessories.

For more information about Bale Breaker System Equipment and Chain Conveyor, feel free to contact us.
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