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Pulping Line Machine Shipped To Guangdong

Leizhan cooperates with Guangdong Hengzhan this time and is committed to providing it with high-quality pulping equipment and professional services. Relying on its years of industry experience and professional team, Leizhan customized pulping equipment for Hengan Paper to meet its production needs, successfully meeting its pulping process upgrade requirements.

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Ordered machine: Chain conveyor,double disc refiner , inflow pressure screen, vibrating screens, agitator,high density cleaner and eccentric pulper
Delivery pulping machine: Chain conveyor, eccentric pulper, vibrating screens, high density cleaner and supporting accessories
Delivery date: October 06, 2023

Leizhan has been specialized in manufacturing paper making machinery for more than 40 years and has rich experience and advanced pulping technology. Welcome to contact us for more details about pulping equipment. Email